DEXTER: Dual-Energy X-ray imaging for TargEting Radiotherapy

Dual-Energy X-ray imaging for TargEting Radiotherapy

The project started March 1, 2014 and will end July 31, 2017.


The DEXTER project aims at investigating the opportunities for image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) offered by a new scanner, the Imaging Ring , in a collaboration between the CREATIS (Lyon, France) and the radART (Salzburg, Austria) laboratories.

Principal investigators

Scientific programme

  • Ion range prediction using dual-energy CT
  • Cone-beam CT reconstruction using oblique x-ray projections
  • 2D/3D image registration with a pseudo non-isocentric x-ray imaging modality


Journal articles

Conference proceedings articles

Conference abstracts

Franco-austrian project co-funded by the ANR and the FWF.